Zipster Blogue

What to Add to Your Baby Shower Gift Registry

What to Add to Your Baby Shower Gift Registry

If you’re a first-time parent all you have to go on is general knowledge, and maybe what you’ve seen at baby showers you’ve attended in the past. You want to be sure you don’t overlook any importan...

5 Tips to Help Your Little One Through the Teething Phases

5 Tips to Help Your Little One Through the Teething Phases

If you’re starting to see the telltale signs of teething in your baby, then it’s time to give these tips a try. They are bound to make things smoother for your little one.

How to Simplify Snack Time for a Toddler - Invaluable Tips and Tools

How to Simplify Snack Time for a Toddler - Invaluable Tips and Tools

We’ve got some great tips and tools that you can rely on to simply snack time with your toddler. No longer will you dread snack time and need to mentally prepare for what can be a lot of drama.

Setting Up a Nursery - What Your Baby Will Need

Setting Up a Nursery - What Your Baby Will Need

To cut down on some of the stress you may be feeling as you get started on creating the perfect nursery, here’s a look at some of the key items you’ll need to have.

4 Tips to Help Your Baby Transition to Solid Foods

4 Tips to Help Your Baby Transition to Solid Foods

When it comes to transitioning to solid foods, it’s good to know there are ways to make the process less scary and confusing for all involved and ensure it’s a huge success.

The Zipster Design Challenge

The Zipster Design Challenge

This February, we launched an exciting design challenge, inviting our audience to dream up a brand-new Zipster print. The response was overwhelming, with over 200 fantastic entries pouring in from ...

The Ultimate New Parent Checklist

A melhor lista de controlo para novos pais

Não há necessidade de toda a ansiedade em termos de preparação, pois temos a lista ideal para si. Esta lista de controlo definitiva para novos pais abrange todos os elementos essenciais de que nece...

All You Need to Know About Long-Haul Travelling with Your Little One

Tudo o que precisa de saber sobre viagens de longo curso com o seu filho pequeno

Os pais devem ter em conta a forma como vão manter os seus filhos felizes, entretidos e confortáveis durante toda a viagem para garantir um voo tranquilo. Nós damos-lhe cobertura com tudo o que pre...

5 Fun Activities to Do With Your 6-12 Month-Old

5 actividades divertidas para fazer com a criança dos 6 aos 12 meses

Se tem um filho com seis a 12 meses de idade, sabe como pode ser difícil mantê-lo entretido. São demasiado velhos para os brinquedos de bebé, mas ainda não têm as capacidades motoras grossas e fina...

A Guide to Diaper Bag Essentials - Never Leave Home Without These

Um guia para o essencial da mala de fraldas - Nunca saia de casa sem isto

Se está a ter dificuldade em decidir o que colocar no seu saco de fraldas, pode usar isto como um guia rápido de arrumação. Estes são os artigos sem os quais nunca quer sair de casa.